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7 The characteristics of a person who has HIV Infected

Posted by Mahendra blog Tuesday, October 19, 2010

7 The characteristics of a person who has HIV Infected

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the most feared disease because no vaccine or medicine that can cure him.
Recognize the symptoms of HIV for early detection.

This deadly virus will attack the immune system that makes the body lose the ability to fight disease, making the body more susceptible to various diseases.

If these symptoms are not treated immediately, it can cause AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) which is a deadly disease. AIDS arise as a result of breeding the HIV virus in the human body.

The symptoms that arise from HIV can affect a person gradually. Once the virus enters the body, then the virus will develop rapidly.

This virus will attack the CD4 lymphocytes (T cells) and destroys white blood cells that affects the immune system. Each stage of infection will show different symptoms.

The initial stage of infection with this virus usually show no signs or symptoms, new symptoms will appear after two to four weeks after infection. A person may complain of severe headache accompanied by fever and persistent.

As quoted, Thursday (6/10/2010) when a person is infected, the initial symptoms sometimes appear similar to the flu or viral infection medium.

Symptoms and early signs of HIV, including fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpit or groin.

These symptoms are similar to other viral infections. Therefore, many HIV-infected people do not realize that he had been infected for years to reach an advanced stage.

Center for disease control (Centers for Disease Control / CDC) revealed there are several symptoms that indicate an advanced stage of HIV are:
1. Lose weight fast without any reason
2. Hacking cough
3. Recurring fever or sweating at night
4. Fatigue
5. Diarrhea is more than a week
6. Memory loss
7. Depression and other nervous disorders.

One way to detect it is by measuring the number of white blood cells, because usually a person with HIV will have a number of small white blood cells.

HIV is not an easy disease to be diagnosed, there are two things to note is that there are recognizable symptoms and examination by a doctor.

HIV is caused mostly by the behavior of mutually exchange sex partners without using condoms or those who used drugs since the turn of a syringe.


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