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I created this blog without engineering. It's only limited to my knowledge. This blog contains articles which include history, astronomy, geology, and others.


Posted by Mahendra blog Thursday, September 23, 2010


Asteroids, was once called a minor planet or planetoid, are the objects smaller than planets but larger than meteoroids, generally found in the inner Solar System (more in the orbit of the planet Neptune). Different asteroid with a comet from visual sightings. Comet appeared comma ("tail") while asteroids do not.
Asteroids in the solar system

Did Asteroid That? Asteroids are small rocky planets. The size is 1 km further, the largest 700 km. There are thousands and thousands of Asteroids in the solar system. Most asteroids are found specific areas of the planet Mars and the planet Jupiter. Asteroids that orbit the earth past the orbit of asteroids named "Apollo." Many of the asteroids that have been named by scientists with the name of the scientists who discovered it.

The formation of Asteroids Asteroids formed from material that a silent witness of the process of formation of the solar system about four and a half billion years ago under the influence of gravitational interactions. Most of the population of asteroids are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the area known as the Main Belt (Main Belt). In addition to inhabit the asteroid Main Belt region, there are also groups of asteroids with different orbits, such as the Trojan asteroids and group AAA (Triple A-Amor asteroids, Apollo, Aten). The first asteroid found is 1 Ceres, discovered in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi. At that time, the asteroid known as a planetoid.

Already as many as hundreds of thousands of asteroids in our solar discovered, and now the new discovery was an average of 5000 pieces per month. On August 27, 2006, of a total of 339,376 registered minor planets, of whom 136,563 have orbits known enough so that it can be given permanent official numbers. Among the planets, 13 350 [1] has an official name (trivia: about 650 of these names require identification.) Lowest number but a small planet was named the (3360) 1981 VA; small planet named for the top number (except the dwarf planet Eris and 134 340 136 199 Pluto), ie 129 342 Ependes [2].

Now it is estimated that asteroids with a diameter of more than 1 km in the solar system solar totaling between 1.1 to 1.9 million [3]. Dapam largest asteroid in the solar system is 1 Ceres, with a diameter of 900-1000 km. Two asteroid belts inner solar system that is 2 Pallas and 4 Vesta; both have a diameter of ~ 500 km. Vesta is the asteroid main belt are sometimes the most-kadnag visible to the naked eye (in some fairly rare occurrence, asteroids near the Earth can be seen without technical assistance; see 99942 Apophis).

The mass of the entire Main Belt asteroid estimated to be about 3.0-3.6 × 1021 kg [4] [5], or approximately 4% of the mass of the moon. From all of this, 1 Ceres 0.95 × 1021 kg mass, 32% of the total. Then populous asteroid, 4 Vesta (9%), 2 Pallas (7%), and 10 Hygiea (3%), making this estimate to 51%; three onwards, 511 Davida (1.2%), 704 Interamnia (1.0%), and 3 Juno (0.9%), only add 3% of the mass totalna. The number next asteroid is increasing exponentially even though the mass of each drop. It is said that the asteroid Ida has a satellite named Dactyl.


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